Asbestos roofing Specialists in Auckland

JP Franklin is the foremost specialist in asbestos roofing in Auckland. Our team of experts excels in the safe removal, disposal, and replacement of asbestos roofing materials. We prioritize the health and safety of our clients, delivering meticulous and compliant services. Asbestos roofing can pose health risks, and our dedicated professionals ensure its proper management and replacement with modern, safe roofing alternatives, providing peace of mind to our clients in Auckland.

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JP Franklin Roofing

Asbestos roofing Services in Auckland

JP Franklin is the foremost specialist in asbestos roofing in Auckland. Our team of experts excels in the safe removal, disposal, and replacement of asbestos roofing materials. We prioritize the health and safety of our clients, delivering meticulous and compliant services. Asbestos roofing can pose health risks, and our dedicated professionals ensure its proper management and replacement with modern, safe roofing alternatives, providing peace of mind to our clients in Auckland.

About Asbestos Roofing

Discover JP Franklin Roofing’s professional asbestos encapsulation services in Auckland, providing a safe and reliable solution for managing asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). Our experienced team of trained professionals utilizes advanced encapsulation techniques and specialized encapsulants to create a durable barrier around asbestos fibers, preventing their release into the air. By encapsulating ACMs, we minimize the risk of asbestos exposure for occupants and the environment. We adhere to strict safety protocols and regulatory guidelines, ensuring the effectiveness and longevity of our encapsulation process. JP Franklin Roofing is dedicated to asbestos roofing services, including installation, repair, maintenance, and removal. Our team of roofing experts guarantees the use of top-quality materials and solutions tailored to your home’s aesthetics and functionality. Our unwavering commitment to excellence is demonstrated in each project, ensuring precision and superior craftsmanship to meet all your asbestos roofing requirements.


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Our Process

Step 1: Assessment of the Roof

Assessing an asbestos roof involves a detailed examination to determine its current condition, identify any signs of damage, degradation, or asbestos fiber release. Given the health risks associated with asbestos, it’s crucial to assess the roof’s integrity and asbestos containment. This evaluation informs decisions about whether repair, removal, or encapsulation of the asbestos roofing materials is necessary. Professional assessment and handling are essential to ensure safety.


Step 2: Inspection of the Membrane

Inspecting the membrane in an asbestos roof typically does not apply, as asbestos roofs typically consist of asbestos-cement sheets and do not have a membrane like some other roofing systems. Inspection for an asbestos roof typically focuses on the condition of the asbestos-cement sheets, checking for any signs of damage, deterioration, or the release of asbestos fibers. This inspection is essential due to the health risks associated with asbestos.

Step 3. Removal of Debris

Debris removal for an asbestos roof involves the careful process of clearing leaves, branches, and foreign materials from the roof’s surface. Due to the health risks associated with asbestos, it’s crucial to handle debris removal with care and follow proper safety protocols. Keeping the roof clean helps maintain its integrity and prevents potential asbestos fiber release, ensuring safety and protection. It should be done by professionals trained in asbestos handling.


Step 4. Fixing Cracks and Replacement

Addressing cracks and replacing damaged sections in an asbestos roof is a complex process due to the health risks associated with asbestos. Repairing any cracks or damage while minimizing asbestos fiber release is essential for preserving the roof’s integrity. In some cases, replacement with non-asbestos roofing materials may be a safer alternative to ensure safety.


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